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product press tour" (we have), or, "I bet they couldn't do a four-color ad, from concept to shipping film, in less than 24 hours" (you'd be wrong), this is the place to check us out.

Take a look at how we've developed newsletters to introduce and support products and companies; used well-targeted, high-impact direct mail; and made people laugh -- and remember the product -- with broadcast advertising. We'll also show you some samples of hard-hitting print advertising, effective sales support literature and outdoor advertising that gets noticed and remembered. And because we're a full-service agency, we won't forget to show you samples of public relations and promotional programs that dramatically raised awareness of everything from oversized golf clubs to wafer-sized high-tech sensors. Along with our own Web site, we've also developed Web sites for our clients and recommend ideas for existing sites. Finally, we'll show you how having the right marketing communications strategy can make the difference between big gains and net losses.

And when we're done, maybe you'll agree that "everything" isn't so very far from the truth.